-10% for Club des Amis des Leos members / Free delivery for orders over €80*


Carpentras strawberries with thyme from Domaine de Leos - Cooked in a cauldron
Blueberries with wild thyme from Domaine de Leos - Cooked in a cauldron
Clementines from Corsica with wild thyme from Domaine de Leos - Cooked in a cauldron
Apricots with wild thyme from Domaine de Leos - Cooked in a cauldron
Raspberries and apricots with wild thyme from Domaine de Leos - Cooked in a cauldron
Strawberries from Carpentras and raspberries with wild thyme from Domaine de Leos - Cooked in a cauldron
Apricots with lavender C de Leos
Cooked in a cauldron
raspberries with wild thyme from Domaine de Leos - Cooked in a cauldron

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